Saturday, May 4, 2013

Important Updates

Hey guys! First of all if you're reading this, I love you for taking the time to read this! =D So, I'm sure a few of you have been wondering why I haven't uploaded a video in a few weeks. Well, the video that I promised you (the FAQ for 1,000 subscribers) is a pain in the butt to edit! It's taking FOREVER! =P I promise you that it will be up at some point, I just don't know when because at this point, editing that video is REALLY frustrating me. I promise to you though, that it will be up sometime.    
     Another reason, is because I have been SOOOOOO busy with school. It's getting to be the end of the school year so I have a ton of exams and the teacher are giving us a ton of assignments that they say should, "Help not hurt your grade". The exams this year are very important because I'm going to be in high school next year... Scary thought =P
     I also just recently got move up to Level 8 in gymnastics!!! =D YAYYYY!!! I've been working really hard to get there, and now that I am, I have to get a bunch of new harder skills, because the rules are changing in gymnastics this year. So, until I get those skills I will probably be spending more time at my gym trying to get these skills for next competition season.
     I hope you guys understand that I do want to make videos, I just don't have the time right now. Over the summer I'm sure I will have a TON more videos, but until the school year is over, I don't want to promise anything to you all because the very last thing I want to do is let you all down <3 The VERY last thing.
    If you've read to here thank you SO much. I really, truly, appreciate it. I hope you all will understand. Thank you and I'll see you guys in the next video! (whenever that may be)

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