Thursday, November 29, 2012


Hey guys. I'm sure you have been wondering why I have been short of videos lately. Well here are the reason/reasons:
I had a reading project that was worth 20% of my final grade. I decided half way through the project that I wanted to switch my project topic.
I have been struggling in math and been WAY behind on homework assignments. Math has always been hard for me and is most certainly my most hated subject.
 I had a 12 page science packet that I had 2-3 weeks to do but procrastinated and then forgot about it. So I had to do it all in one night.
Then I had a social studies project that I have to get up and present IN FRONT OF MY ENTIRE CLASS tomorrow.
Not to mention right now I am currently learning how to take care of a baby simulator (mechanical baby) that I will have to take home for 3 days and 2 nights. It cries whenever it needs to be fed, have it's diaper changed, burped, rocked, held or its just fussy. I don't know if I will be getting a boy or a girl yet. I don't really have a preference. I held both genders today and I  felt comfortable with both of them =) Here are pics of the "baby" I will be taking care of:
Once again I don't know which one I will be getting but I'm pretty sure my school only has E, A, D and a boy that is similar to E, only it's a boy.
And I have been busy with gymnastics because competition season just started. I learned my new floor routine and new beam routine.
So life is just REALLLY busy right now. I will make videos whenever I can! I promise. I really miss being able to make videos all the time. I will have A TON of videos up during Christmas break because I will have time AND because Christmas time is my VERY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR! xD
So yeah, I didn't want you guys to think I was growing out of dolls or just not wanting to be on YouTube because that is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT THE CASE.I hope you guys understand! You guys mean the world to me and I feel bad that I can't make videos as often as I wish. So yeah, if you have ANY questions please feel free to P.M me on YouTube! Thanks! =D

1 comment:

  1. It's okay! I understand that you're busy, I am too.. Ahh I wish I could just stay home and make videos all day, but of course, life just doesn't work like that...xPP
