Saturday, May 4, 2013

Important Updates

Hey guys! First of all if you're reading this, I love you for taking the time to read this! =D So, I'm sure a few of you have been wondering why I haven't uploaded a video in a few weeks. Well, the video that I promised you (the FAQ for 1,000 subscribers) is a pain in the butt to edit! It's taking FOREVER! =P I promise you that it will be up at some point, I just don't know when because at this point, editing that video is REALLY frustrating me. I promise to you though, that it will be up sometime.    
     Another reason, is because I have been SOOOOOO busy with school. It's getting to be the end of the school year so I have a ton of exams and the teacher are giving us a ton of assignments that they say should, "Help not hurt your grade". The exams this year are very important because I'm going to be in high school next year... Scary thought =P
     I also just recently got move up to Level 8 in gymnastics!!! =D YAYYYY!!! I've been working really hard to get there, and now that I am, I have to get a bunch of new harder skills, because the rules are changing in gymnastics this year. So, until I get those skills I will probably be spending more time at my gym trying to get these skills for next competition season.
     I hope you guys understand that I do want to make videos, I just don't have the time right now. Over the summer I'm sure I will have a TON more videos, but until the school year is over, I don't want to promise anything to you all because the very last thing I want to do is let you all down <3 The VERY last thing.
    If you've read to here thank you SO much. I really, truly, appreciate it. I hope you all will understand. Thank you and I'll see you guys in the next video! (whenever that may be)

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Hey guys. I'm sure you have been wondering why I have been short of videos lately. Well here are the reason/reasons:
I had a reading project that was worth 20% of my final grade. I decided half way through the project that I wanted to switch my project topic.
I have been struggling in math and been WAY behind on homework assignments. Math has always been hard for me and is most certainly my most hated subject.
 I had a 12 page science packet that I had 2-3 weeks to do but procrastinated and then forgot about it. So I had to do it all in one night.
Then I had a social studies project that I have to get up and present IN FRONT OF MY ENTIRE CLASS tomorrow.
Not to mention right now I am currently learning how to take care of a baby simulator (mechanical baby) that I will have to take home for 3 days and 2 nights. It cries whenever it needs to be fed, have it's diaper changed, burped, rocked, held or its just fussy. I don't know if I will be getting a boy or a girl yet. I don't really have a preference. I held both genders today and I  felt comfortable with both of them =) Here are pics of the "baby" I will be taking care of:
Once again I don't know which one I will be getting but I'm pretty sure my school only has E, A, D and a boy that is similar to E, only it's a boy.
And I have been busy with gymnastics because competition season just started. I learned my new floor routine and new beam routine.
So life is just REALLLY busy right now. I will make videos whenever I can! I promise. I really miss being able to make videos all the time. I will have A TON of videos up during Christmas break because I will have time AND because Christmas time is my VERY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR! xD
So yeah, I didn't want you guys to think I was growing out of dolls or just not wanting to be on YouTube because that is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT THE CASE.I hope you guys understand! You guys mean the world to me and I feel bad that I can't make videos as often as I wish. So yeah, if you have ANY questions please feel free to P.M me on YouTube! Thanks! =D

Sunday, October 28, 2012

♥ 5OO Subscribers ♥

Hey guys so on , October, 21st, 2O12, I reached 5OO subscribers on YouTube. I am in complete and total shock. Making it to 5OO subscribers has been a dream of mine since I started posting videos on YouTube. And today... my dream came true. Thank you all so very much. I have made so many friends... but you guys aren't friends anymore... Your family ♥ Reading all of your incredibly kind comments makes me smile. I appreciate every single comment I recieve. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I do before bed is check my inbox to see if anyone has left any comments and check my channel to see if I got a new sub. You guys mean the universe to me. I don't know what I would do without you ♥ There are a few people in particular that I want to thank.

 The first one is AGLaughStudio. She is SO SO talented, kind, funny, and smart.  She is going places, not only with photography and videography but with dance as well. Ever since we met she has ALWAYS been there for me. We P.M everyday (not as often now that school has started though) and we ALWAYS have a great time on TinyChat. We laugh and talk about anything and everything. Most of the time it's how school is going and what we have been doing lately and about One Direction or whats on our AG Wish List. We discuss awesome videos that we have seen in the past few days and so many other random things. She is DIFFENITLY one of my BEST friends. I hope someday we can meet at an AG Store in person.

The next person I want to thank is AGrandomness85. Girl, you NEVER, EVER fail to make me laugh!!! And on most days I need a laugh. I know that I can always rely on you for a daily laugh. You are SO sweet and talented! Your hysterical comments make me smile, and laugh to the point that I start to cry. You have such an incredible personality. I hope someday we can meet in person as well.

The next person I want to tell you about is Glamorousdollies. She is SO sweet and VERY talented when it comes to videography and photography. Her photography is some of the best out there. We really haven't known eachother for to long, but I can already tell that we are going to be great friends.

The next epic person I want to thank is agdolluva24. She is SOOOOOOO talented and off the charts kind. Her videos are incredible as well as her personallity. Her photography is STUNNING.

AGLiveLaughLove is another incredible person. We talk A LOT through P.M and she is also VERY talented and VERY kind. Her photography is beautiful.

I also want to thank SuperAG101. She was my very first ever subscriber and I will NEVER forget that. She welcomed me into the AG Tube community with open arms, even though she didn't know much about me yet.

If I didn't thank you, that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate your comments and subs. It just means that because my brain is off thinking of other things, it forgot to mention to tell me about you. You guys are all SO SO SO SO SO SO SO INCREDIBLE, and I wish I could thank every single one of you. If you want me to say something about you in partiular than P.M me on YouTube, I'm sure it would be easy to tell you something incredible about you. Thank you all SO very much for 5OO Subscribers. It means more than I will ever be able to tell you...  I love you guys 

I'm putting this next part in a larger text because it is SO important to me.

The AGTube Community is incredible. You guys are the the most inspiring and incredible people I have EVER met.  Thank you all so muh for making me feel like I actually belong for a change. I wish I could explain to you how much I appreciate all that you guys do... but there are no words. Thank you to each and every single subscriber. Thank you


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Caroline Abbott: American Girl's NEW Historical Character

Meet Caroline Abbott. Caroline Abbott is American Girls new Historical Character. She will be available for purchase at American Girl on September, 4th, 2012. Her story is based in Sackets Harbor, New York, on the shores of Lake Ontario just as the War of 1812 has begun.
           Here are some pictures of Caroline Abbott as well as pieces that will be featured in her collection. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE IMAGES.

                    So here are my opinions on her. She is BEAUTIFUL. But, she is just another blonde hair, blue eyed doll. I don't think she is original at ALL. The only thing that makes her unique is her eye color. American Girl has never released a doll with this eye color. Here is a close up picture of her stunning eyes:

 I feel she is very similar to GOTY 2010 Lanie Holland. The only differences between Caroline Abbott and Lanie Holland are Caroline appears to have blue/green/grey eyes. Lanie has hazel eyes. They have the same skin tone (light) and very similar hair. Caroline's hair is just like Lanie's except Caroline's hair is longer and does not have side bangs. I think her stories will be very interesting because of the era the stories are based in(1812).I think I will add her to my collection just because I do not own any blonde hair, blue eyed dolls. Here are pictures of both Caroline Abbott and Lanie Holland:
What do YOU think of Caroline Abbott??? Leave a comment expressing your opinions!

My Very First EVER Blog!

Hey guys! So this is my very first ever blog! I have never done anything like this before so it may look really boring until I can figure out how to do this =) So please bear with me while I try to make this blog AWESOME. On this blog I will be giving updates and posting my very own doll posters! Also I will be talking about some AWESOME things that happen on AGTube. I will also be having discussions on here as well! The discussions will be about AGTube and about topics that are based on American Girl Dolls . Now back to what I was saying before...Here are just a few of my doll posters that I will be sharing with you guys!

There will be plenty more posters to come! =D
My first topic will be my opinions on the new American Girl Doll Historical Character, Caroline Abbott! That post should be up by tomorrow! Thank you so much for reading!